Month January 2015

January 26 – Office Work

Today the team got lot’s of work done in the office. Alade worked on perfecting the logo, Eben and Jeremy worked intently on improving the code, Toby continued working on the model of the robot, and Jacob worked more on…

January 15 2015- Tormach Cutting!

Midterms week has finally ended for the students of Team 1787, so they’re off to work with much more time on their hands. Today, the team got the Tormach cutting it’s first piece!  

January 7 2015 – Engineering Mentors!

Today the team continued working on assembling the kit of parts drive train.   Later in the day they were joined by mentors Frank Zell and Mike Coleman from Belcan Corporation, Ryan Rule-Hoffman and Danny DiCioccio from CleanLife Energy, and past…

January 3 2015– Successful Kickoff!

On Saturday, the team’s officers and mentors headed down to the TRI-C Unified Technologies Center to join other local teams to view the kickoff stream as well as socialize and create bonds between other local teams that could aid in…